The name “MKH” was selected because it refers to a process of growth; a gradual, peaceful, progressive change which speaks to both our past and our future. The shape of the nautilus was chosen because this living organism reproduces in perfect symmetry and absolute accuracy, yet remains open-ended for perpetual evolution and change.
Yes I Can! Three simple words that describe what Mihran Kalaydjian Hospitality Consulting Firm is all about - Mihran Kalaydjian Hospitality Consulting Firm has set in place a strong foundation which will take it to its next phase of development. Its strategic blueprint will spearhead its growth and further establish Mihran Kalaydjian Hospitality Consulting Firm as a leading and well established Firm hotel management company. It has a dedicated and experienced senior leadership team who is focused on capitalizing on our strengths and identifying opportunities to ensure the ongoing success of the company.
We manage our own hotels and, on a select basis, we offer our services to other owners. It’s our priority to visit the hotels often and become actively engaged with each of our General Managers, because managing hotels is a people business...so we must remain selective in the partnerships that we develop, managing in cities where we travel often.
We measure our success by the quality of our work and the lives we touch along the way, not by the volume of hotels that we manage. I realize that our success is possible only through the efforts of many who help us, and my hope is that the trail behind us is one of friendships built on a foundation of integrity. How we have served our guests, how we have treated our associates and partners, and how we have worked with our communities...that is what is most important.
"Our management team is built on solid core values and shares a common commitment to both our employees and our owners. The leaders of our hotels are able to minimize costs and maximize revenue because of their talented and dedicated team members, industry leading technology, solid brand and vendor partnerships, and strong support from our home office
By its very essence, a hotel is a place of mingling, diversity, interacting differences and blend. Through our new tagline, “Open new Frontiers in Hospitality”, I wanted to place openness at the core of our mission: openness to others and openness to a new way of perceiving hotels, of managing our impact on both the environment and the communities our hotels are a part of.
The key reasons for Mihran Kalaydjian Hospitality Consulting Firm success include recognition of our employees as our prime resource and putting continuous emphasis on their training and development for enhancement of their professional skills. Strong work ethics, mutual trust, close teamwork, professionalism and continuous endeavor for improvement of quality are some of the other guiding principles of our corporate philosophy.
As we look to the future, we are seeking out partners and places where we can have an impact, add value and serve others. If you would like to know more about what makes us different, give us a call.
We are deeply committed to the growth of Mihran Kalaydjian Hospitality International to become a leading and well respected global hotel company and will continue to identify opportunities to enhance our value proposition to our stakeholders-hotel owners, guests and our staff.
Above all, the company’s core value and mission is to provide our clients with the finest management expertise the industry has to offer with integrity, honesty and open communication. In short, we strive to be an extension of the property owner so they can trust their asset is being managed by the best and most experienced team. This is what makes MKH stand apart from our competitors.
When choosing a hospitality management company, MKH should be your first choice due to a well-deserved record of our Honesty, Professionalism, Experience, Innovation, Flexibility, Customer Service and most importantly – Results.
Mihran Kalaydjian Hospitality
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